i2i solutions is an independent, investment advisory firm that was established in 2004 with the core belief that clients deserve a more personalized approach. Utilizing a client-centric model that emphasizes customization and collaboration, We offers a range of solutions to meet the unique needs of our clients. This commitment — instituted by our team of financial advisors who have spent meaningful years in industry understanding the needs of Individual Investors and providing tailor made solutions to meet the objective.
Since the opening up of Indian economy 1992 this investment tools has grown leaps & bounds. It has substituted many investment tools over a period of time and has become most favorable destinations of household.

However we still believe that it’s not being understood in totality and Category of Funds to be selected should only be decided after consulting the competent authority on subject. It’s important to accept the Funds, that meets your objective with minimum possible risk associated with same.
Life Insurance: The first step in life should be to insure our life in order to financially protect our dependent come what may be. We strongly propagate term insurance as it meets the basic objective & your requirement to the subject ends there. any other nature of policy is not an investor or policy holder friendly- we have reasons to believe the same and we don’t solicitate the same in better interest of our client.
Again a must - must for each and every individual. Most important amongst the endless list is 
» Medical Insurance: To meet unforeseen medical hazards
» Fire & Burglary Insurance: To protect you’re Shop/Office/Residence from unseen calamity.
Opportunities strikes time and again, with changes in Interest rate scenario which is cyclical in nature. In order to cash them Tax Free Bonds Non Convertible Debentures Bonds are recommended from our desk which falls in assure returns category.
We are passive on same, as we believe the Equity oriented Mutual Funds exposure takes care of same. How-ever for Investment horizon of very very long term nature (generally gifting from one generation to next) time and again advisory is provided.
We also provide advisory services related to Taxation, as well as, our competent certified Chartered Accountant organize:
  • Filling of I.T.R.(Income Tax Returns) online
  • Filling of Capital Gains Tax
  • Assessing & helping you to respond to any outstanding demand by I.T.